The SOLIFOUNDATION was set up in 2023 by Concetta and Thomas to carry out a multitude of humanitarian projects aimed at making a significant impact on the most vulnerable communities.
Among these projects, SOLIKIDS represents the very first, merging different actions into a single global objective: supporting orphanages in Tanzania.
SOLIKIDS embodies our vision of making a positive and lasting difference to the lives of orphaned children and the communities around them. This innovative project combines several key initiatives:
We work in partnership with orphanages to provide medical care, balanced nutrition and safe shelter to the children who need it most.
Our dedicated volunteers look after their health and well-being.
orphans in Tanzania
We believe that education is the key to the future. Our team of volunteers provide tutoring to children to help them succeed at school and reach their full potential academically. We also support access to schooling by funding school fees.
of children aged between 7 and 13 do not attend school
We strive to improve living conditions by installing modern sanitation infrastructure, including access to drinking water. This helps to reduce the risk of disease and ensure a healthier environment.
of the population has no access to basic drinking water
By investing in these short-term actions, we aim to give children a strong start in life, ensuring they grow up healthy, safe and with hope for a better future.
SOLIKIDS' long-term work focuses on empowering communities and preparing young people for a brighter future. We believe that sustainable development relies on education, training and the creation of local resources. Here's how we do it.
We offer training programmes in specific trades, such ascarpentry, tailoring, sustainable agriculture and many more. These skills enable young people to become self-sufficient and contribute to their community's economy.
Average monthly salary in Arusha
To ensure energy self-sufficiency and resource management, we install solar panels for clean energy and water recovery tanks for responsible use of water resources.
of Tanzania's rural population has access to electricity
By investing in these long-term actions, we aim to create self-reliant and resilient communities, where young people have the skills and resources to forge their own futures and contribute to the sustainable development of their region.
Suivez nos actions sur les réseaux :
Support our projects on networks :
A unique point of view and a regular report on our actions in the field.
Un point de vue unique et un compte-rendu régulier de nos actions sur le terrain.
Rejoignez les membres de SOLIKIDS qui ensemble apportent leurs soutiens aux enfants des orphelinats.
Votre générosité nous est essentielle pour réaliser nos projets. Merci d’apporter votre soutien pour offrir un avenir meilleurs aux des enfants.
Your generosity is essential for us to carry out our projects. Thank you for supporting us in our efforts to give children a better future.
Join the members of SOLIKIDS who together support children in orphanages. We need reinforcements.